Saturday 27 October 2018


Today more groups presented to the class about Sunnyhills GEMS.  It was great that we had drama, dance, hand-made posters as well as some digital presentations. 

Friday 19 October 2018

Sunnyhills GEMS

As part of learning about the Sunnyhills GEMS, groups in our class explored what each gem means and made a presentation. Groups chose to present their ideas through dance, drama, posters and digital presentations.
One of the skills we were learning was how to work in a group and get along with others. We had to communicate and compromise.

Two groups presented to the class. See if you can guess which of the GEMS they are describing...

Dojo Points

Well done to the Dojo Point Winners:
Angus, Madison, Miranda and Johnathan!

Thursday 18 October 2018

Reading To The Class

Lots of students are enjoying entertaining their classmates by reading to the class. They choose a book and read aloud, using the great reading skills they learn about in class. Here a few photos.

Friday 12 October 2018

We made some art based on the traditional Pennsylvania Dutch barn designs.
Firstly, we used a compass and pencil to draw 3 circles on our paper. Then, after looking at some designs as examples, we made our own designs on the paper and chose colours to decorate. Here are some of the finished works.

Dojo Points

Well done to the Dojo Point Winners:
Sara, Aditha and Bree!